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  1. All uploaded videos must filmed for this show.
    Videos must not have been previously reviewed by other licensed judges in a schooling, virtual/online  or licensed shows.

    The video must be from the perspective of the judge, thus letter C or slightly to the left or right of it. 

    Prior to entering the arena and before the beginning the test, a sign must be held up showing the name of the show, date of the show, horse’s name, rider’s name and test being ridden.  Remove the sign just before beginning the ride.After March 1, 2022, submitted videos, without this sign, the ride will be judged as a Hors Concour ride. (Hors Concour =  Not eligible for awards or placings)  Rider will have the opportunity to re-record their ride with a sign, provided the ride is submitted by show closing.

    At no time shall the camera leave the rider from the showing of the sign through the equipment check.

    Following your ride, and without the camera stopping, the camera will walk around the horse showing the spurs, padding and open the mouth to show the bit.  In Western Dressage, the rider will dismount and drop the bit of the horse so it can be recorded. If you feel uncomfortable dropping the bit, VHS will accept the filming of the mouth of the horse to as much of the bit, both sides as possible.  The purpose is to show the bit and that there is no blood or physical pain present in your horse. 

    A recommended tack check video procedure has been recorded by USEF Judge Ida Norris. It can bee seen here:

    We have noticed that occasionally head-sets are being worn by riders.  Since the judge can not hear what is being said, we don’t know if coaching or a test is being played.  To make is fair to all riders. When a rider is seen wearing a head-set, they will be disqualified from competition and changed to HC

  7. Videos of tests must be unedited from start to finish.
    NO adding of introduction frames graphically.

  8. Video must be clean.
    Overlays of text, graphics or other non-photo based images, are not allowed.

  9. Horse must remain in video 100% of the time.
    The camera can not move or be taken away from the horse between the display of the sign and the tack check for one second.  Failure to do this will cause the ride to be eliminated.  

  10. Video must be captured in Landscape mode, not profile.
    (Wider than tall) and keep the portions of the area within view.

  11. The test MUST  be videoed from Letters C, with the sun at your back.

  12. The test may be called, BUT IT MUST BE THE EXACT WORDS OF THE OFFICIAL USEF, FEI tests. No additional comments.

  13. Coaching during the test is not allowed

  14. Rider can not make any vocal aids to the horse, in the form of clicks, pops or other sounds made by the mouth. With one exception: ride is performing a para test.

  15. The natural background sound for the test must be audible

  16. The Judge’s decision is final
    If the judge determines that the horse appears lame or off,  see blood on the horse or rider has a helmet strap too loose etc, the judge has the discretionary right to excuse the ride and not continue scoring.Judge will make notes on the score sheet indicating their observations.  The Judge’s decision is final.

  17. Off-Course Rides
    If the rider is off-course during a ride.  The judge will make a decision of how to handle the mistake as outlined in the Judging Guidelines. Given this is video, a whistle can not be blown and allow the immediate re-ride of the movement.   Thus one of the following options will apply:1) The judge will choose to evaluate what is there.
    For example, if you did not do a movement, you will be given a 0 and a off-course error.
    2) You will be emailed and given the option to re-ride the test with the corrected movements. The test will then be reviewed from the point of the error.The Judge’s decision, of which applies,  is final. 

  18. If the rider/trainer notices the horse is off or lame, PRIOR to the start of the show.  A deferment will be given to another show.  The horse’s welfare and health must be the first priority.

  19. If the purchaser of a ride, does not submit an entry with video, that is viewable, by the end of the purchased show, or does not request a deferment to another show prior to the end of the purchased show, the fees charged will be forfeited to Virtual Horse Sport.  There are no refunds.

  20. There is no dress code, however clothing should be modest in presentation and functional.

  21. No draw reins or side reins will be allowed.

  22. Boots and wraps are allowed.

  23. Rider must certify that no illegal drugs or medications have been used during the ride.  As defined by USEF Guidelines TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENT RULES

  24. Uploaded Video File types accepted: MP4, QT, AVI, MOV, WMV, AVI, VP8, AV1,VP9, MPEG-4.
    Other file types, such as MTS, may require an extra fee for conversion.

~Revised November, 2023
An Equestrian Service of Multimedia Designs, LLC