Price Structure : Show Year 2025
General price structure is a per-ride fee system. Clubs are given a full spread sheet break down of all fees. Transparency is key. Nothing is hidden.
We choose the judge and arrange for the judge. (Requests allowed)
We make the agreement and payments.
Our policy is to pay experience with the recognition of the time and money judges have spent to arrive at the license level they hold. Our payment is a sliding scale based on license level and what type of test they are allowed to review.
You use VHS competition rules
We choose the entry fee.
We choose the tests with advise by you.
You choose which tests will be allowed –
Available Classes:
USA Classical Dressage
British Classical Dressage
FEI Dressage
Eventing Dressage
Para Dressage
Western Dressage
Prix Caprilli
USA Working Equitation
British Working Equitation
Dedicated use of system software
Dedicated server
Your have your own scoreboard.
We use our own mailing lists
We recommend that you use your own mailing lists
We manage and upload all videos to server
We manage all entries input and verification
We manage and verify judges scores.
We send a excel spread sheet of all rides, scores, points and who judged them.
No office staff required. – We manage it all for you.
Personalized Winner Digital Certificates
Division based High Point Awards
1st Place ribbons for classes with 3 or more riders
All rides included in yearly high score championships
Most rides per year awards
100% Digital results – no printing, paper or reports to file
Judge is in charge of any lameness or rule issues
Bulk mailing announcements using our own mailing list.
Exported Excel spread sheets report of all rides, points, which judge and percentage. Good for judge payment
Exported Excel spread sheet for organization reporting, specifically, WDAA
VHS uses it’s own internal test format that follows the movement of each test, but not the official test form. This is included. If actual test are desired, tests can be acquired with 4-6 week notice and a early closing date. VHS format will be sent immediately and official copies will be mailed to the competitors. Each official test copy requires a payment to the recognized organizations.
No Setup Fees
No Office Fees
VHS Fee:
$20-$22 per ride
Other Costs
Rides Purchased but not used are held for reassignment
WDAA Fees for Western Recognized Shows
Offical Organization Tests shall be offered
You receive balance of entries, after fee deductions – OPTIONAL waive
Per class scoreboard included
We choose the entry fees.
Purchases without entries are not included in ride total.
Requested Coupon codes for event, are payable by event sponsor
3% +.30 goes to PayPal or Stripe
After judge payment, deduction for merchant account, advertising costs, mailing costs, you receive the remaining balance or $5 a ride. If negative, you do not have to pay for the difference.
Active FEI Judges (coaching or clinic only) $25 per ride
‘S’ or ‘WD R’ Judge will receive $20 per show ride or $25 per coaching ride
‘R’ will receive $15 per ride or $20 per coaching ride
‘r’ or WD ‘r’ will receive $10 per ride or $15 per coaching ride
‘L’ we do not use L judges
Judges can make their own schedule for when to judge each ride/class within the show period.
Show length can be between 1 to 3 days. Judges are allowed +1 day after end of show.
Includes Facebook and other social media promotion.
We shall send payment to you at the end of the horse show judging – minus our per ride fees of Judge & VHS.
You receive a flat fee for each submitted ride. To lower the entry fees, you may also waive your fee.
Updated November 2024
Your choose the judge, negotiate payment rate and pay
You select and pay for all advertising
You use your own mailing list for promotion
You choose the entry fee for your show.
You use VHS competition rules
You pay for the WDAA recognition, if desired.
You choose which tests will be allowed –
Available Classes:
USA Classical Dressage
British Classical Dressage
FEI Dressage
Eventing Dressage
Para Dressage
Western Dressage
Prix Caprilli
USA Working Equitation
British Working Equitation
Dedicated use system software
Dedicated server
Your have your own customized scoreboard.
We manage and upload all videos to server
We manage all entries input and verification
We manage and verify judges scores.
We send a excel spread sheet of all rides, scores, points and who judged them.
No office staff required. – We manage the software for you.
Exclusive & Dedicated show dates
Show Manager Dashboard
Division based High Point Awards
1st Place ribbons for classes with 3 or more riders
All rides included in yearly high score championships
Most rides per year awards
We shall train the judge to use the system
100% Digital results – no printing, paper or reports to file
Judge is in charge of any lameness or rule issues
Exported Excel spread sheets report of all rides, points, which judge and percentage. Good for judge payment
Exported Excel spread sheet for organization reporting, specifically, WDAA
VHS uses it’s own internal test format that follows the movement of each test, but not the official test form. This is included. If actual test are desired, tests can be acquired with 4-6 week notice and a early closing date. VHS format will be sent immediately and official copies will be mailed to the competitors. Each official test copy requires a payment to the recognized organizations.
No Setup Fees
No Office Fees
Per Ride VHS Fee $20
Rides purchased but not sent, are held by VHS For reassignment
Official Tests copies, if desired, plus postage & $1 fee per test.
We receive $20 for every purchased entry.
3% +.30 goes to PayPal or Stripe
You choose entry fees and we assign it for your event.
Requested Coupon codes for event, come out of your proceeds.
You negotiate the fee for the judge
You pay the judge directly
Only licensed judges are allowed
Note: ‘FEI’ Judges per the FEI rule set, can only be used for test coaching.
You control the time and period
Show length can be between 1 to 3 days. Judges are allowed +1 day after end of show.
You receive the balance of each entry after our commission has been paid directly to your own PayPal or Merchant Account.
Promotions not included.
Updated November 2024
With the exception of the Western Dressage Association, where a WD judge is required, these shows are not recognized by the official organizations, USEF, USAWE, BEW, BD, WECAN, USPEA, local Clubs or FEI. Thus these events are considered schooling shows. Your organization may choose to recongize the online shows and reward members accordingly. is a licensed system based on a Utility Patented
This patent covers includes all online horse shows, judge training and other online sports in North America.
“The Virtual Sports Competition”
U.S. Patent No. 11,291,916 · Issued May 29, 2020